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Nankang NS-2R tyre reviews

We gathered since 1999 tyre reviews - we have more than 400,000 test results
and more than 5 billion driven kilometers. Find the best tyre for you.

NS-2R tyre review

Grip in dry conditions

Braking in dry conditions

Grip in wet conditions

Braking in wet conditions

Grip in snow

Driving comfort

Internal noise level

Tyre wear

Fuel consumption

Average based on 1 test results
Ø 467,208 km driven

14.11.2014 from  Alex Note  3.95
(8,000 km driven)
  • Grip in dry conditions
  • Braking in dry conditions
  • Grip in wet conditions  N/A
  • Braking in wet conditions
  • Grip in snow
  • Driving comfort
  • Internal noise level
  • Tyre wear
  • Fuel consumption
Tyre size and vehicle make
195 / 50 R15 ZR
Result: Would you buy again? Definitely
As an extreme summer/track tyre its surprisingly practical. I can only compare it to Toyo T1R (which I think are overated) but its no more more uncomfortable and wet grip is as good or better. The dry grip and braking is excellent as expected, tyre wear is slow for how soft they are. The only downside is wet braking where they can lock up and skid very easily but I am getting to the stage where I will be swapping to Winter tyres and I am using them in conditions they were not designed for.